Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Job. Job. Job.

Ahhhh quick post from the iPhone. 😏

I MUST find a big girl job. Like now. Trying not to stress or get discourage but this post undergrad life is like woah. 3.5 yrs sitting in a classroom didn't do all that to sit at home watching Teen Mom!! 😖

I want a job that I enjoy and I have faith that employment will some come!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Be the Change that You Want to See

Camden, NJ I spent many a weekend there as a child. A rough place to grow up but the Williams family has always been a pillar in the community. My daddy: a personal trainer, a coach, a mentor. Recognized today for his efforts to mentor and train Camden youths. Him and my uncle transformed the basement in to a gym as well as a safe haven for these young men and women to be productive!

Lately there has been lots of talk about the violence and the bleak state of Camden lately but I'm so proud of my dad for taking action. Doing something, as he's always done, to help out the community with physical fitness! I'm so proud!

Check out the video!! Jeff's Gym